1° Val di Sangro Cup

6 Aprile 2025

Fossacesia (CH)

Le iscrizioni inserite al seguito saranno associate ad un email unico di riferimento.

Inserire l'email di riferimento nella casella sottostante. Verificare che l'email sia corretta prima di procedere con le iscrizioni.




Validating Your Email

All entries need to be linked to an Email Address that belongs to you. It is for this reason that all Email Addresses are validated.

If your SC International Username is a valid email address then you are already validated.

If you are accessing the system for the first time you will be sent an email with a link that will validate the Email Address. An Email Address is only validated once and will remain validated on your return visit even if it is to place an entry for a different competition.

If you have any difficulties verifing your Eamil Address then ... CLICK HERE to Contact Admin Team.

Privacy Statement

SC International takes all reasonable steps to secure your data. CLICK HERE to view full Privacy Policy.

Collection of your Email Address is for the sole purpose of contacting you about matters concerning your Entry & Competitions. At no time will your Email Address (or any other personal information) be passed on to a third party.