Ranking History for:
Alex Minelli & Nicoletta Miceli
Male 103335 | Female 103324 | Italy
Ranking Points for Open/Graded Competitions. These are the top 6 points achieved during the past year. The ranking was last updated
Punti Ranking per competizioni Open/Graded. Questi sono le 6 competizioni di maggior punteggio negli ultimi 365. Le ranking list ufficiali sono aggiornate dopo ogni competizione, quindi potrebbero essere inclusi risultati di più di 365 giorni fino all'aggiornamento della ranking list.
The following results are the other results achieved in the last 365 which do not count towards the current ranking total. I seguenti sono i risultati nelle gare open che non contano verso la somma della ranking
Points from Main Ranking Competitions (Adult Open, Under 16 or Professional)
Universal Championships 2024
Under 16 Open Standard
Back Number: 179
Result Attained 49 Total of 68 Competitors
Result Points: 85
26th Italian Open Championships 2024
Under 16 Open Standard
Back Number: 542
Result Attained 57 Total of 73 Competitors
Result Points: 82
Points from Main Ranking Competitions (Adult Open, Under 16 or Professional) that DO NOT count towards the ranking list